New drip coffee maker

After eight years of near daily use, my 14 cup Cuisinart Coffee Maker (DCC-3200P1) needed replacement. Early one morning I discovered the lid wouldn’t open completely, preventing me from adding water and ground coffee. Nothing was obviously out of place; however, a small plastic piece shot from the device as I gently tried to debug the problem. I couldn’t determine where the piece came from and none of the online repair guides seemed to cover the internal lid components....

June 20, 2024

Django templates: Accessing dict keys with colons

Earlier this week I was updating a dashboard which uses Django templates. The data included a Python dictionary with a key that contains a colon: data:foo. Normally the dictionary item is accessed using dotted notation such as {{ }} but using a colon results in a syntax error. Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError Exception Value: Could not parse the remainder: ':foo' from '' The simple fix is to change the key but I don’t own this object and it cannot be easily changed....

July 27, 2016

tmux Repeating Keys

When upgrading from tmux 1.1 to 1.5 I found a few key bindings changed slightly. In particular, the arrow keys used to switch panes now repeat. I often use the sequence C-b Down immediately followed by Up and then Enter to re-run a unit test. With 1.5 I was doing this too quickly (tmux’s repeat-time is 500ms by default) so I was switched back to my previous pane. To fix this I simply added the arrow keys to my ....

July 28, 2011

Invalid tmux term causes irssi issues

Today I finally switched my long-running IRC screen session to tmux. I rarely disconnect so I was simply waiting for a “good” time. After a few minutes I noticed that my irssi scrollback was misbehaving; only half of my window would redraw when I pressed PgUp of PgDn. I had manually set TERM=xterm in my bashrc; however, tmux advises only using screen or screen-256color as the term. I have no idea why I had specified term within my bashrc; removing the line and restarting tmux corrected the issue....

July 26, 2011

irssi autolog options

My favorite IRC client is irssi. I keep a log of my conversations using autolog; however, I dislike logs from chanserv, nickserv, and other random bots which I’ll never reference. I discovered that autolog has a setting to ignore them: /set autolog_ignore_targets chanserv nickserv While searching I also found log_create_mode; irssi’s default file mode is 0644. I prefer to keep my conversations private unless I specifically broaden permissions: /set log_create_mode 0600...

June 24, 2011